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ArcLink5 icon ArcLink5
Version: 0.13a (13th Jun 1999) Updated!
Size: 106k
ArcLink5 is a Risc OS application for transferring files to and from the Psion 5 palmtop computer. At present it doesn't work on the 3c, but I will hopefully convert it when it's completed.
Read the history of this application for more info, or read the FAQ file.
If you wish to download just the Psion OPO file you can click here. Remember to ensure it's called ArcLink5.opo when it's on the Psion.

PsiOrg icon PsiOrg
Version: 0.1b (21st Aug 1998)
Size: 14k
Initial Beta test version! This application will allow you to translate Psion 5 'Data' address book files into a format suitable for importing into Chris Morisons excellent !Organiser application.
Please email me with requests/wish list items/latest status report.

Psion icon Psion
Version: 2.1b (26th Oct 1989)
Size: 9K
A small application to transfer files to and from the original Psion II pocket computer. Source code in BASIC is provided so that people may like to fiddle to see if it works with later Psions. I am currently working on a RISC OS to Psion S5 link.

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